
December 5, 2017

Superior-Greenstone DSB 2018 Board Annual Organizational Meeting

The ²Ýݮֱ²¥ held its 2018 Annual Organizational and Regular Board Meeting on Monday, December 4, 2017.


Trustee Pinky McRae was acclaimed as 2018 Board Chair, while Kim Figliomeni was reelected to the office of Board Vice-Chair. McRae is set to begin her eighth consecutive year holding this executive position on the Board.


Upon accepting the acclamation McRae thanked the board members for entrusting her with the role of board chair for another year. “This board has continued to work together as a team, despite the challenges faced.  We have continued our commitment to building relationships and work towards the goals outlined within our Strategic Plan and Priorities,” said McRae. “As a board, we have come to have a great relationship with our Senior Administration team and Director David Tamblyn and my thanks goes out to them for the amazing work being done in our schools and with our students.  Superior-Greenstone DSB is a great place for education and I want to extend the board’s thanks to all our school principals, teachers and support staff; because together it’s with their dedication and commitment that we can proudly say that our small schools make a difference.


Two other executive positions of the board were determined by acclamation. Trustee Margaret McIntyre was acclaimed as the Chair of the Education Committee.  Trustee Michael Groulx was acclaimed as the Chair of the Negotiations/Business Committee. 


Following the elections, McRae presided over appointments of trustees to the various statutory and standing committees of the board. The Board Audit Committee members through to November 30, 2018 are Aaron MacGregor, Margaret McIntyre and Mark Mannisto.


The Special Education Advisory Committee appointments include Kim Figliomeni and Mark Mannisto. Allison Pelletier with Margaret McIntyre will serve as alternates.  For the Parent Involvement Committee, Allison Pelletier and Greg Vallance were appointed and Kim Figliomeni was named alternate.  Greg Vallance was appointed to the Student Alternate Learning Committee with Stanley Sabourin to serve as the alternate.  The appointments to these three Statutory Committees are effective through to December 3, 2018.


The next order of business was appointments to the Board Standing Committees. The five appointees to the Board Discipline Committee include Mark Mannisto, Allison Pelletier, Stanley Sabourin, Margaret McIntyre and Michael Groulx.  Named to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee were Michael Groulx with Allison Pelletier to serve as alternate.  Serving on the Transportation Committee are Greg Vallance and Stanley Sabourin and the alternate is Mark Mannisto.  The Native Education Advisory Committee (NEAC) sees the Board First Nation Trustee Stanley Sabourin serve as NEAC Chair while Margaret McIntyre and Mark Mannisto are the appointees.  The term of the Standing Committee appointments are effective through to December 3, 2018. 


The Board Policy Review Committee is responsible for reviewing Superior-Greenstone DSB Board policies. This committee is appointed to serve for the full term of the Board, therefore trustees; Aaron MacGregor, Allison Pelletier, Margaret McIntyre, Mark Mannisto and Michael Groulx will retain their appointment through to November 30, 2018.  Alternates Kim Figliomeni and Stanley Sabourin also remains to serve. 


With the Organization portion of the meeting complete, the regular section of the Board meeting began with the first item being to determine the 2018 Board Meeting schedule. A motion was passed to set the 2018 dates as follows:

Monday, January 22

Monday, February 26

Monday, March 26

Monday, April 16

Monday, May 28

Monday, June 25

Monday, July 16

Monday, August 20

Monday, September 24

Monday, October 22

Monday, November 19

Monday, December 3 (1:00 p.m.)


The meetings will take place at the Marathon Board Meeting room at 6:30 p.m. except for December with a time of 1:00 p.m. The Board also selected sites within the district to hold three of the regular board meetings with the locations being Beardmore Public School on May 28, the ²Ýݮֱ²¥ Learning Centre on June 25 and the Lake Superior High School on October 22, 2018.


The 2016-2017 Director’s Annual Report was also presented to the board. “The report provides a snapshot of the progress and key actions utilized in meeting the goals and objectives of the strategic plan,” said Director of Education, David Tamblyn.