
Facilities & Transportation

The Facilities and Transportation Department works to ensure that all schools and facilities are clean, safe, well maintained, environmentally sustainable learning spaces for students and staff.  The Facilities and Transportation Department is responsible for the Board's Capital Plan, Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan, transportation, custodial and maintenance services.

School boards are optimizing air quality in schools through improved ventilation and filtration. Implemented measures are dependent on the type of ventilation and feasibility within the context of school facilities and related building systems.  This is a key element in the multiple protective strategies being employed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and support healthier and safe learning environments for students and staff.  The ²Ýݮֱ²¥ School ventilation report for 2021 can be viewed here (Note: If you have difficulty viewing the excel workbook, please make sure you "Enable Editing" to disable the protected view).

Canada Builds

The ²Ýݮֱ²¥ received funding through the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream - Education Related Projects as part of Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) funded by the Government of Canada and Ontario. 


Contact Us

NOTE: All email addresses within this website are NOT to be used for unsolicited advertising or sales.  Communications sent to these email accounts of that nature will be reported to the . For further information see .

Gordon Muir

Manager, Facilities & Transportation
Fax: (807) 886-2123
Cell: (807) 228-1205

Brandon Nyman

Team Lead - Maintenance and Construction
Fax: (807) 886-2123
Cell: (807) 889-1361

Stephanie Gray

Coordinator of Operations
& Community Use of Schools

Fax: (807) 886-2123
Cell: (807) 889-0414



climate action incentive fund

The Dorion Public School of the ²Ýݮֱ²¥, received energy efficiency upgrades funded in part by the Government of Canada.

Les améliorations concernant l'efficacité énergétique des écoles de ²Ýݮֱ²¥ ont été financées en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.

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